
Companies Court

Website of the Companies Court which is a specialist court within the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and covers cases relating to the insolvency of companies in England and Wales. The Court deals with petitions to wind up a company, applications to unfreeze bank accounts or challenges to winding up petitions and applications to restore a company to the register. There is guidance on liquidating a company, restoring a dissolved company, compulsory liquidation and cancelling a winding up order. Forms, contact details and daily cause lists are also given.

Insolvency Service

The Insolvency Service is an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Its function include the administration of the affairs of bankrupt individuals and insolvent companies, and regulation of insolvency practitioners. The Insolvency Service’s website provides guidance, consultation documents and other publications. It also makes available the Individual Insolvency Register, a directory of official receivers, a directory of insolvency practitioners and various other searchable directories.

Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Accountant in Bankruptcy

The Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) is an agency of the Scottish Government, with responsibility for supervising and regulating the process of bankruptcy in Scotland. The website has guidance for people who are owed money, people at risk of bankruptcy, money advisors and legal practitioners dealing with insolvency cases. Legislation covering bankruptcy in Scotland, forms, consultations and reviews are also provided. A register of insolvencies is available to search, following free registration.


LawTroves are a selection of legal resource guides compiled by United States law firm Swiggart & Agin, LLC. The guides are focused on Massachusetts law and cover bankruptcy, corporate law, real estate and trademark and domain names. Each LawTrove provides access to FAQs, legislation, organisations, reading lists and other legal resources.

Bankruptcy Court Directory

Web page providing a list of links to United States Bankruptcy Court websites. The US federal districts each have a bankruptcy court and many of the websites linked to here provide access to their decisions and bankruptcy rules. The list is compiled by US publisher and made freely available on their website.

American Bankruptcy Institute

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) was established to provide analysis of bankruptcy issues for the US Congress and the public. Membership is drawn from lawyers, bankers, judges, accountants, auctioneers and other bankruptcy specialists; parts of the site are restricted to members. The ABI's activities include the provision of education and research programmes, organising conferences and producing publications. The website gives access to a selection of bankruptcy news stories, US bankruptcy legislation and links to US bankruptcy courts.


INSOL-Europe is an organisation of lawyers, accountants and insolvency practitioners specialising in insolvency, bankruptcy, and business reconstruction and recovery. The site has organisational information including a copy of the constitution, details of committees and the Executive, Council and Secretariat .The INSOL-Europe journal, Eurofenix is published quarterly and can be downloaded from the website in PDF. There is guidance on publishing and registering the opening of insolvency proceedings in EU Member States as covered by articles 21 and 22 of the EU Insolvency Regulation.

Insolvency Lawyers Association

Website of the Insolvency Lawyers Association (ILA), a special interest group promoting the role of insolvency lawyers and providing information and a forum for lawyers practising insolvency law. Publicly accessible parts of the site have organisational information, the names of council and committee members, articles of association and details of forthcoming events. A directory of members can be browsed by name or region. There is a page of related web links and details on how to join. The rest of the site is restricted to members only.

International Insolvency Institute

Website of the International Insolvency Institute, a non-profit organisation whose members include insolvency practitioners, judges and academics. The aim of the III is to promote insolvency as a discipline, improve international cooperation and provide access to insolvency related materials. The site includes organisational information, details of committees and events and a members' directory. A collection of international insolvency resources includes information on and links to international treaties, co-operation initiatives and professional association projects.

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