
International Compliance Association

The International Compliance Association (ICA) promotes regulatory and financial compliance and professional conduct in the financial sector around the world. Its website contains information on the roles of the ICA and qualifications approved by and run by it. It also gives basic information about financial crimes and unprofessional conduct within the financial sector. Articles by members of the ICA are available, as well as news items and the ICA code of conduct. There are links to national and international banks and banking regulation organisations worldwide.

Banco Central Do Brazil

Site of the National Bank of Brazil, providing resources in Portuguese and English. In addition to background information about the role and work of the Bank, the site provides sections on the economy and finance, inflation targeting, exchange and foreign capital, the national financial system, supervision and the Brazilian payment system. Media formats used include text, video, photos and podcasts. Official publications of the Bank are available in full text.

Central Bank of Bahrain

The website of the Central Bank of Bahrain, which has a section on the relevant laws, under Regulatory Functions. Under Laws and Regulations there is a quick search box and an option to search by rule number. The full texts of various laws are available in html. The general webpage also gives information about the Central Bank, the monetary policy, banking operations, publications and data, consumer information and the financial sector. The Arabic version of the website is currently under construction.

Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Eugene F. Collins

This Irish law firm website provides commentary on Irish legal developments, in its Publications section. The areas of law covered include company law, banking, employment, European Union, competition, immigration, intellectual property, information technology, litigation, dispute resolution, media and property.

Bank of England

The official site for the Bank of England. Contains information about the history of the Bank, monetary policy in the UK and the Bank's role in supervising banking and the financial system. It also contains press releases, statistics, bulletins, summaries of inflation reports, details of the Bank's museum and archives and an education section. In addition, the site provideslegislation relating to the Bank, including the Bank of England Act 1694 and the Bank of England Act 1998.

Swiss Bankers Association

The Swiss Bankers Association is the representative association for financial institutions in Switzerland. Publications include a code of conduct, papers on risk management, and press releases, and are available in PDF. The feature on SPSS discusses Swiss Performance Presentation Standards, which are used to ensure performance reporting by banks in Switzerland. A feature on legislation and self-regulation outlines the legislative and regulatory framework in the Swiss financial services sector.

Central Bank of Libya

Official Website of the Central Bank of Libya. The site provides background information about the bank including an outline of its functions. The exchange rates of major foreign currencies are given on the site and the bank's Economic Bulletin provides monetary and banking statistics. Electronic versions of Libyan banking laws regulating the Central Bank are presented in a range of formats and translated into English. The site can be viewed in Arabic and English.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is a committee of the Bank for International Settlements concerned with banking supervision issues. Members include officials from central banks who have responsibility for the supervision of banking business such as the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority. The site provides access to publications of the BCBS including the Compendium of Basel Committee documents, a compilation of guidelines and standards set down by the Committee.

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