aviation industry

International Civil Aviation Organization

Website of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the UN specialised agency concerned with safety and security in air travel. The website has information about the ICAO and details of its various programmes of work, including the Aviation Security Programme, the Safety and Security Audit programme and work on environmental issues including aircraft noise and emissions. Details are given of free and chargable publications. Free materials include reports, forms and nationality marks.

Air Safety Support International

The website of the Air Safety Support International (ASSI) is an online information resource that aims to provide information about the organisation's role and activities within the framework of civil aviation regulation in the UK Overseas Territories (OTs). As a subsidiary company of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, ASSI's role is to assist and support existing civil aviation authorities in their safety regulation in these territories. A page with a listing of the OTs is provided with links to their websites.

European Aviation Safety Agency

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is a regulatory agency of the European Union whose role is to maintain and improve aviation safety in Europe. The website explains the EASA's structure and functions and gives information about its activities in the fields of rulemaking, certification, maintenance, environmental protection, Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) and procurement. EASA documentation is available, including Opinions and Decisions. The site also has proceedings from Management Board meetings.

Finnish aviation legislation

Official website of the Finnish Transport Safety Agency, section on aviation regulations. Features details of the aviation legislation and regulations affecting Finland(international, EU and national). Links are given to the Aviation Act(in English) and to EU webpages featuring relevant legislation.

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