asylum seekers

European Council on Refugees and Exiles

The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) is an alliance of European NGOs which help refugees. Its website describes the work of the ECRE, including training courses that it runs, and lists its member organisations. An overview of the situation for refugees in the EU is also provided. The Topics pages have ECRE policy papers, articles and news items regarding access to Europe, resettlement, protection in Europe and third countries, integration and returns. There is also a weekly news bulletin, available from the home page.

Forced Migration Review

Website of Forced Migration Review (FMR) the journal of the Refugee Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford. The journal is published three times each year in collaboration with the Global IDP Project of the Norwegian Refugee Council. The editors are Marion Couldrey and Tim Morris. "FMR provides a forum for debate on the most immediate issues facing refugees and internally displaced people and those working with them". The journal includes articles, research abstracts, conference reports and news items.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) is an independent voluntary organisation which works to achieve justice for immigrants and asylum seekers to the United Kingdom (UK). In particular, it campaigns for reform to existing nationality and immigration law. Its website provides details of its current activities and forthcoming conferences and training events. It also contains factsheets on current British immigration and nationality law.

Electronic Immigration Network

EIN is a voluntary sector organisation providing information on immigration and refugee law. It is aimed primarily at immigration law practitioners and advisors, but it also contains freely available information for others interested in the subject. Freely available resources include links to government publications, news and events information. There are subject sections covering asylum, refugee and immigration issues in Europe, United Kingdom and worldwide. Sections of the site are reserved for members only including case law, legislation and country information.

First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support)

Website of the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support), the body which hears appeals from asylum seekers who have had support withdrawn by the UK Border Agency. The site has information about making an appeal, what happens at a hearing and a downloadable application form. Reason Statements (decisions) of the Adjudicators are available in full-text on the site and can be searched by date, adjudicator, appeal number or keyword. Annual reports and business plans are available on the site in PDF and there are links to related rules and legislation.

UK Border Agency

The Border and Immigration Agency, ( formerly The Immigration and Nationality Directorate) is an executive agency of the Home Office. Its function is to control borders and manage immigration to the UK. Its website provides government press releases, legislation, statistical data and research reports.

Forced Migration Guide

Online guide to the information resources and research literature of forced migration written by Elisa Mason who is an independent information specialist who focuses on forced migration issues. It is intended to provide students and researchers with a solid introduction to the main research tools and resources available for the academic study of forced migration. This includes coverage of refugees, internal displacement and human trafficking.

Country Policy and Information Notes

UK government web page providing information about asylum seekers' countries of origin, to be used in the asylum determination process. Reports contain information on asylum and human rights issues in the country and include chapters on the security forces, torture, the judiciary, prison conditions, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, ethnic minorities and human rights institutions. There is also background information on the country covering the economy, history, political system, Constitution and political parties.

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