
An information resource site developed by the International Institute for Animal Law and the National Anti-Vivisection Society in the United States. The site publishes law-related information and provides access to publicly available legislative materials dealing with animals rights and welfare primarily in the US. Legal issues surrounding the use of animals in product testing, medical research and other laboratory situations are covered. AnimalLaw offers a facility to search laws by US state or at federal level, or by citation or bill number.

Dog Law

Website covering different aspects of the law relating to dogs in England and Wales. The site is produced by specialist solicitors Cooper & Co. It provides information and guidance about the law relating to dogs, as well as details of seminars for lawyers and dog owners.

Animal Legal and Historical Web Center

Website of the Animal Legal and Historical Web Center which is a project based at the Michigan State University - Detroit College of Law. The site provides free access to primary legal materials and guides to the law. US laws and cases are arranged by state or subject. Subjects covered include animal rights, dog fighting and exotic pets. There is also information on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The emphasis of the site is on U.S law but it includes legal materials from other countries such as the United Kingdom, Brazil, Malawi, Poland and Taiwan.

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