
European Air Law Association (EALA)

The European Air Law Association (EALA) is a membership body concerned with the study and development of air law in Europe. Members are drawn from academics, industry professionals (airlines, aerospace manufacturers etc.) and national and EU officials. EALA holds regular conferences and seminars focusing on issues relating to all aspects of the air transport sector. Information on events and details of committee members are provided on the site.

International Civil Aviation Organization

Website of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the UN specialised agency concerned with safety and security in air travel. The website has information about the ICAO and details of its various programmes of work, including the Aviation Security Programme, the Safety and Security Audit programme and work on environmental issues including aircraft noise and emissions. Details are given of free and chargable publications. Free materials include reports, forms and nationality marks.

Air Transport Users Council

The website of the Air Transport Users Council (AUC), an online information resource detailing the Council's role and remit. Describing itself as the 'UK's consumer watchdog for the airline industry', the organisation is funded by the Civil Aviation Authority. The site provides information about the Council's members, secretariat and terms of reference within the framework of existing legislation. A section giving full-text access to AUC publications is accessible from the site, files available as PDF files.

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