air travel

European Civil Aviation Conference

The European Civil Aviation Conference aims to "promote the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system." The site gives details of their activities; integrating new member states from Eastern and Central Europe, safety, security, improving Air Traffic Management and liaising with representatives of the civil aviation industry outside Europe. The news section has press releases, there are details of forthcoming events and a quarterly magazine. These publications and other documentation is in downloadable PDF format.

ACI Europe

The ACI is a non-profit organisation of airport operators that aims to represent their interests. Their European region site has details of conferences, news releases and policy statements on matters such as air passenger rights, environmental issues, airport charges and security. There is also an airports database, although advanced search is restricted to ACI members. The site is in English.


EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental organisation with more than 40 member states. Its website gives an overview of the organisation's role in Europe's air traffic management and safety strategies, covering both civil and military operations.

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