
USMCA Secretariat

Website of the Secretariat established by the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) which is an updated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement of January 1 1994 (NAFTA). The Secretariat has sections focusing on the United States, Mexico and Canada. It provides administrative support and administration of the dispute settlement process. The USMCA and NAFTA can both be viewed in full on the site along with the rules of procedure, code of conduct and procedural forms. There are links to related organisations and a selection of FAQs.

African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Website of the AfCFTA Secretariat providing information on the African Continental Free Trade Area. The site outlines the aims of the AfCFTA which include creating a single market for the African continent and boosting its trading position globally. There are profiles of the countries who are signatories to the agreement and an overview of the protocols which include trade in goods and services, dispute settlement and customs and trade facilitation. A full text copy of the Agreement is given along with the e-tariff book and a selection of publications produced by the AfCFTA Secretariat.

Unified Patent Court

The Unified Patent Court (UPC) is part of the European unitary patent system that provides uniform protection across all participating countries. It was established by the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPCA) 2013 and is currently used by 17 EU member states who are signatories to the Agreement. There is information on the jurisdiction and structure of the Court which comprises a Court of First Instance, a Court of Appeal, and a Registry.


Free database of treaty information on the Dutch government website, Covers treaties to which the Netherlands is a party and/or the depositary. Includes the title, the date the treaty came into force, the parties, where the treaty is published, renunciations, declarations and depositary notifications. Provides links to the text of each treaty in the Tractatenblad ('Treaty Series') or other official sources, in Dutch. The search interface is available in either English or Dutch.

An Introduction to Sources for Treaty Research

Electronic guide to the resources available for researching treaties, by Mark Engsberg, Foreign and International Law Librarian at Yale's Lillian Goldman Law Library. The guide was published in 2006 (and updated in 2021) on the Globalex Website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The author identifies the tools available for researching both bilateral and multilateral treaties. There is an introduction to treaties and international agreements and an explanation of commonly used terms.

Treaty database

Online database of Israel's treaties, on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. The treaties can be browsed by subject and the name of the country with whom the agreement has been made. They can also be searched by name and date of the agreement. Records provide a description, keywords, state and date of signature. Digital images of the treaties are provided in PDF format. The interface is available in Hebrew, English, Arabic, Spanish, French or Russian; the treaties are in Hebrew, English and other languages.

Pacific Islands Treaty Series

A Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute (PacLII) resource containing bilateral and multilateral treaties affecting Pacific Island countries and last updated in 2009. The interface is available in English or French. Under "Other Resources", there is background information about each country and details of treaty-making procedures, along with a glossary of treaty terms. PacLII is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Transitional Justice Institute

Website of the Transitional Justice Institute, a research centre based at the University of Ulster. Transitional justice is defined on the site as being the "interim legal arrangements which come to the fore as states enter into transition from violent conflict to peace and democracy". Profiles are given of staff at the Institute along with details of their publications and links to full-text articles where available. Details are given of forthcoming events and research projects taking place at the Institute. A Peace Agreements Database is made freely available to browse or search.

Biological Weapons Convention: Collection of National Implementation Legislation

Collection of information about national legislation implementing the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The information is compiled by VERTIC, a non-governmental organisation specialising in the verification and monitoring of international agreements. The collection consists of an alphabetical list of countries; for each, it gives details of relevant laws, with the full text where available.

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