
Institute of Legal Finance and Management

Website of the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM), a not-for-profit membership organisation for legal finance, administration and practice management professionals including legal cashiers and accounts managers. Details of professional qualifications provided by the ILFM are given on the site along with information on CPD training, conferences and other events. There is a guide to legal software providers and a page of related web links. Other content on the site is restricted to members only, eg.

Cour des Comptes [et] Chambres Régionales des Comptes

The French Cour des Comptes (Court of Accounts) has jurisdiction over France's public finances. It conducts mandatory audits of the accounts of public bodies such as government departments and ministries and agencies, social security bodies, and non-departmental public bodies. The Court also has discretion to exercise jurisdiction over charities, organisations which receive funds from the EU, and private-sector companies with close links to the public sector.

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