
NORMLEX Information System on International Labour Standards

This International Labour Organization (ILO) database brings together information on International Labour Standards along with national labour and social security laws. Country profiles show which ILO conventions have been ratified, provide links to national labour laws and information on reporting obligations. There is information on which countries have ratified ILO conventions along with links to all conventions open for ratification. There is also comparative data showing which countries have ratified which conventions.

Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation (LEGOSH)

This International Labour Organization (ILO) database brings together occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation and regulatory frameworks from around the world. The database can be browsed by country or searched by keyword. The information is arranged by themes eg. regulatory framework, OSH inspection and enforcement of legislation, employers’ duties and responsibilities and specific hazards or risks. Full-text legislation is linked to via the ILO’s database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation (NATLEX), usually in the original language.

Motor Insurers’ Bureau

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) is a non-profit-making company that compensates victims of uninsured and untraced drivers in the UK. Its website makes available the agreements between the MIB and the Department of Transport regarding these compensation claims. It also provides a database of car insurance data, the Motor Insurance Database. Forms, guidance, news and other resources are also available.


Website of Aviation an online directory of aviation lawyers in the United States. The site is part of ExpertHub which provides directories for a range of professions The directory is not browsable but enables users to email aviation lawyers in their area. The site includes free articles on aviation law covering aviation accidents, airport complaints, aircraft licences and aviation injury claims.Users can post questions and comments on the site and there is a glossary of aviation law terms.

Motor Accident Solicitors Society

The Motor Accident Solicitors Society (MASS) is a membership organisation for solicitors specialising in road accident claims. MASS also provides legal advice for people who have been victims of road traffic accidents and those involved in motor accident compensation claims. The site provides contact details for members of MASS using a clickable map of the UK regions. Advice on the site includes a checklist for accident victims, a guide to who pays the cost of legal advice and a glossary of legal terms. A section of the website is reserved for members only.

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