
Indigenous Law Centre of Canada

Website of the Indigenous Law Centre of Canada (formerly the Native Law Centre) at the University of Saskatchewanan, which is dedicated to the study and development of indigenous law in Canada. The work of the Centre involves running educational programs, conducting research and developing publications with the aim of assisting in the formulation of policy and justice in the areas of Aboriginal rights in Canada and around the world.

National Native Title Tribunal

Website of the Australian National Native Title Tribunal, a government body which helps the making of agreements among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, governments, industry and others whose rights or interests may co-exist with native title rights and interests. The Tribunal is not a court; its role is as facilitator and mediator. The site gives details of Tribunal members and has factsheets on native title and common law in Australia. Policies and procedures documents are available for both clients and staff, as is advice on how to apply for a determination of native title.

Alaska Law Review

This journal is published semiannually by Duke Law School in association with Alaska Bar Association. It provides an annual year-in-review of court decisions and legislative changes, as well as articles related to current legal trends and issues of practical importance to the Alaska Bar. Student editors have primary responsibility for writing and editing the review. Full text is available online from vol 14 no 2, December 1997, and is searchable by citation or keyword. Details of submission, and hard copy subscriptions, are also available on the website.

Native Title Infobase

The Native Title Infobase is a freely available online catalogue provided by the library at the Federal Court of Australia. The catalogue includes selected articles, books, conference papers, reports and press cuttings dealing with native title issues. The earliest items date from 1839 onwards. The emphasis is on Australian materials but relevant information from New Zealand, United States, Canada, Africa and Asia is also included.

Land Claims Court of South Africa Decisions

A SAFLII database containing selected full-text decisions of the Land Claims Court of South Africa. Decisions are available from 1996 onwards and can be browsed alphabetically or by date. The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) is a collaborative project of the Wits Law School in South Africa and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) providing free South African legal information. The decisions are also available on the Land Claims Court of South Africa website.

Indian Law Resource Center

Website of the Indian Law Resource Center a non-profit law and advocacy organisation based in Washington, D.C and Montana. The site gives information about the staff and Board of Directors of the Center along with details of work being undertaken which focuses on indigenous peoples and covers issues such as sovereignty, environment, land rights, human rights and land reform.

Native Title Research Unit

The Native Title Research Unit (NTRU) forms part of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies in Canberra, Australia. The Unit provides a research service for people researching native title (the land rights of indigenous peoples) and an annotated list of native title legal research resources including reports, articles, judgements, bibliographies, courts and other organisations. Details are given of NTRU research projects, conferences, workshops and seminars.

Canadian Institute of Resources Law

Internet website providing general information about the Canadian Institute of Resource Law which was formed in 1979 by the University of Calgary to undertake and promote research in Canadian resource law and environmental issues. The website provides background details of the Institute's mandate, governance and management structure, with staff profiles and contacts list. Publications include reports, papers and conference proceedings, some of which are available in full text online.

Research guide on indigenous peoples international law

Online guide to researching indigenous international law written by Christopher C. Dykes who is reference/research librarian at the University of Houston Law Center's O'Quinn Law Library. The guide was published in August 2009 (and updated in July 2024) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide provides an introduction to the topic including a definition of the term "indigenous peoples", a list of indigenous groups and other key terms.

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