
Legal Abbreviations

Extensive list of abbreviations for law reports, law journals, courts, government departments, international organisations and so on, provided by Monash University Library, Australia. Covers Australia and other common law jurisdictions and public international law; also has key abbreviations from civil law jurisdictions.

English Reports Table

Alphabetical table of nominate reports giving the corresponding volume numbers in the English Reports, together with each report’s abbreviation and the time period and court that it covers. The table is provided by Lancaster University Library.

Acronym Finder

Directory of more than 750,000 abbreviations and acronymns, mainly from the fields of computing, government, the armed forces, computing, telecommunications, business and finance. Founded by US-based IT consultant and software developer Mike Molloy, the directory is global in scope. Legal researchers may find it useful for political, governmental, education and other non-law abbreviations (for legal abbreviations, see the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations).

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations

The Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations is produced by the University of Cardiff. It is a database of abbreviations of English language and selected foreign language legal publications including law reports, law journals and major treatises. The search engine allows titles to be searched using any keywords appearing in the title of the publication and abbreviations can be searched using all or part of the abbreviation. Results provide the official abbreviation, alternative abbreviations, the ISSN and the jurisdiction to which the publication belongs.

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