
Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

The Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR) is an independent, educational research centre focusing on good governance and development issues in Zambia and Southern Africa. SAIPAR’s legal research projects include the Zambia Legal Information Institute (ZamLII) and the Judgment Commentary Unit which provides commentaries on selected judgments from courts in the Southern African region.


Afriwise is a subscription website providing legal information on a range of African countries including laws, regulations, legal news and guidance. Topics covered include employment, immigration, competition, environmental, intellectual property and taxation law. 

African Legal Information Institute

The African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) makes available treaties, cases, resolutions, decisions, reports and other publications of African regional organisations. It also provides access to legislation and cases from 16 African countries, via its search facility. The home page has links to regional and national African websites. AfricanLII is a project of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) at the University of Cape Town law faculty.

Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa

Database of constitutions and constitutional documents of African countries, provided by the University of Konstanz. The contents can be searched or browsed by jurisdiction. The database was been compiled by Katharina Holzinger, Florian Kern and Daniela Kromrey of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. Documents are provided in the original language; some historical versions are available as well as recent texts. Most can be downloaded and/or accessed via links to other websites.

ICL - Zambia Index

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Provides a quick-reference list of dates relating to development of and changes to the constitution. Links are given to the 1991 Constitution and the accompanying Constitution Act and to the website of the Zambian Parliament.

World Law: Zambia

Links to legal materials for Zambia presented on WorldLII's Countries service. Link collections provide access to materials relating to Zambia's Courts, Education, Government, Legislation and Parliament. Additional sections highlight subject areas such as Foreign Investment, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Land Law, Privatisation, Banking and Finance and Taxation Revenue and Customs. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Zambia on all of WorldLII.

Zambian Parliament

Official website of the National Assembly of Zambia, information about parliamentary practice and procedure, committees and members of parliament, together with proceedings and debates, bills, acts and other information.

Law and legal research in Zambia

Online guide to the law and legal system of Zambia written by Alfred S. Magagula who is an LL.B. student at the University of Swaziland. 2011 update of the guide published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides background information on the history, governmental system, foreign policy, political parties and economy of Zambia. There is an outline of the judicial system and details of Zambian sources of law which include the Constitution, legislation and judicial precedent.

Southern Africa Litigation Centre

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre began as  a joint initiative between the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). It works to foster human rights, democracy, the rule of law and access to justice in the region by means of advocacy, litigation, training and capacity building. The Centre's website has information about its cases, together with reports, briefings, statements, articles and news. The content can be browsed by topic or by country. 

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