
Tanzania Legal Information Institute

Website of the Tanzania Legal Information Institute (TanzLII), a project of the Tanzanian Judiciary, providing free access to Tanzania law in partnership with AfricanLII and Laws.Africa. Judgements from the various high courts and courts of appeal can be browsed by court and searched by date, name or judge. Tanzanian consolidated legislation, updated to 30th November 2019, can be browsed by title and viewed in full. The Tanzania Government Gazette is available from 2006 to date along with Judiciary of Tanzania publications and guidelines.


Afriwise is a subscription website providing legal information on a range of African countries including laws, regulations, legal news and guidance. Topics covered include employment, immigration, competition, environmental, intellectual property and taxation law. 

African Legal Information Institute

The African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) makes available treaties, cases, resolutions, decisions, reports and other publications of African regional organisations. It also provides access to legislation and cases from 16 African countries, via its search facility. The home page has links to regional and national African websites. AfricanLII is a project of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) at the University of Cape Town law faculty.

Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa

Database of constitutions and constitutional documents of African countries, provided by the University of Konstanz. The contents can be searched or browsed by jurisdiction. The database was been compiled by Katharina Holzinger, Florian Kern and Daniela Kromrey of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. Documents are provided in the original language; some historical versions are available as well as recent texts. Most can be downloaded and/or accessed via links to other websites.

World Law: Tanzania

Tanzania section of WorldLII's Countries service. A full range of browse and search features is available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Legislation, Government and an Introduction to Tanzanian Law. Additional subject areas include Banking and Finance, Land Law and Taxation. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Tanzania on all of WorldLII. WorldLII was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) as a public service.

Southern Africa Litigation Centre

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre began as  a joint initiative between the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). It works to foster human rights, democracy, the rule of law and access to justice in the region by means of advocacy, litigation, training and capacity building. The Centre's website has information about its cases, together with reports, briefings, statements, articles and news. The content can be browsed by topic or by country. 

Guide to the Tanzanian legal system and legal research

Online guide to the legal system of Tanzania by lawyer Bahame Tom Nyanduga, updated by Christabel Manning and Seka Kasera. Published on New York University's Globalex website, it provides an outline of the legal system, covering the Constitution, statutes, case law, international law and other sources of Tanzanian law. The government and court structures are explained and there is guidance on obtaining Tanzanian legal materials, including online resources. There are also sections on the legal profession and legal education and on the judicial system in Zanzibar

Law Reform Commission of Tanzania

Official website of the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania whose role is to keep under review all aspects of the law in Tanzania. Gives historical information about the Commission, lists the Commissioners and provides position papers, reports, discussion papers and other publications. Also includes a collection of Tanzanian laws from 2004 to 2010. There are Kiswahili and English versions of the site, but much of the documentation provided is in English only.

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