
President of the Slovak Republic

Official website of the Slovak President providing biographical information about the President and the First Lady. There is information on the role of the President along with details of his visits and speeches. The site has the names of other members of the government, links to government departments and a brief history of Slovakia. The site can be viewed in Slovakian and English.

Legal research in Slovakia

Online guide to conducting legal research in Slovakia written by Juraj Alexander who is an attorney in the Prague office of Salans law firm and Juraj Gyarfas who is an associate in the Bratislava office of Allen & Overy. The guide was published in 2010 (and updated in 2013) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors give an introduction to Slovakia and to the Slovakian political and governmental systems.

World Law: Slovakia

Links to legal materials and law related internet resources for the Slovak Republic presented on WorldLII's Countries service. Link collections provide access to sites dealing with Slovakia's Courts, Government, Legislation and Parliament. Additional sections highlight subject areas such as Competition Law, Elections, Foreign Investment, Intellectual Property and Privatisation. A saved search is also offered to automatically query all of WorldLII for materials relating to Slovakia.

Constitution of the Slovak Republic 1992

Web pages containing the full-text in English of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, as passed by the Slovak National Council on 1 September, and signed on 3 September, 1992. The Constitution is set out under the following headings: basic provisions, rights and freedoms, the economy, the Supreme Control Office, territorial self-administration, legislative power, executive power, government, judicial power, the courts, the Prosecutor's Office, and special provisions.

Government of the Slovak Republic

Website of the Slovak Government Office, the body which deals with state administration. The site provides background on the organisation and structure of the Slovak Government and basic facts about the Slovak Republic. Profiles are given of the Prime Minister and members of the Government. Copies of key Government documents can be viewed in full-text on the site including the Constitution and the Government's manifesto. Links are given to the websites of the various government departments and other governmental institutions. The site can be viewed in English and Slovakian.

Slovak Bar Association

Web pages of the Slovak Bar Association, the independent professional body representing and regulating advocates in the Slovak Republic. There is background information about the Bar and a list of its committees and members. The directory of members can be searched by name and town and law firms can be browsed by location. There is also a list of advocates who have been temporarily suspended. The site can be viewed in English, Slovak and German.

Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic

The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is the official body with responsibility for industrial property protection covering inventions, industrial designs and trademarks in Slovakia. The site has sections devoted to the various types of industrial property including patents, utility models, designs, topographies of semiconductor products and trademarks. Each section has background information, legislation, guidance for applicants and a link to the relevant database.

Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic

Official website of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic which is the independent judicial body set up to protect constitutionality. The site has a copy of the Slovak Constitution and other relevant laws. Profiles of the justices of the Court are given along with details of international activities carried out by the Court from 2001 onwards including scheduled events for the current year. Findings and rulings of the Court from 1993 to 2003 are given in full in Slovak and as summaries in English, German and Russian. There is a page of web links to other constitutional courts.

National Council of the Slovak Republic

Official website of the National Council of the Slovak Republic described on the site as the "sole constitutional and legislative body of the Slovak Republic". The National Council is an elected body with legislative, domestic and foreign policy powers, the power of scrutiny and the power to create state bodies. The site gives information on the background, history and organisation of the National Council. There is information on the status and powers of Members of Parliament along with MPs contact details and a biography of the Speaker.

Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

Official website of the Slovakian Ministry of Justice. The site includes a profile of the Justice Minister and outlines the roles and duties of the individual sections within the Ministry. These cover criminal law, civil law and international law. There is information about the provision of legal aid and Slovakian extradition procedures. An outline of the court system and the Judicial Academy and an organisation chart of the Ministry are also given. The site can be viewed in Slovak only.

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