
Guide to Panama’s Legal System and Research

Guide to the legal system of Panama, by Panamanian lawyers Alvaro Aguilar-Alfu and Kedar Rudy. The research guide was published in 2011 on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. It covers the development of the legal system, Panamanian legal concepts and the court system and government of Panama. Links are provided to legal and governmental websites for the jurisdiction.

World Law: Panama

WorldLII Countries service covering the Republic of Panama. A full range of browse and search features is provided. Link collections include materials relating to the Courts, Government and Legislation with specific subject sections dealing with Banking and Finance, Elections and Shipping. A stored search will automatically query all of WorldLII for items about Panama supported by a remote site search facility. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Órgano Judicial de la República de Panamá

Official website of the Panamanian Judiciary. The site provides background and organisational information about the judiciary and court structure in Panama. There is information on the work of the different sections of the department dealing with mediation, victims of crime, judicial education and legal aid. Profiles are given of judges sitting in the Supreme Court, the High Courts and the Superior Courts in Panama and there are links to related Panamanian legal sites. The site is available in Spanish throughout.

Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panama

Website of the National Bar Association of Panama. The site provides information about the Bar Association including the names of the Board of Directors, details of fees and a copy of the Code of Ethics. There are laws relating to the legal profession in Panama and an information bulletin providing details of news and events arranged by the Association. The site is available in Spanish throughout.

Asamblea Nacional de Panama

Official website of the Asamblea Nacional de Panama, or National Assembly of Panama, providing background and historical information. Details are given for members of the Assembly and parliamentary proceedings are given in full from 2006 onwards. A link is given to the Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) which provides access to Panamanian legal materials. The site is in Spanish throughout.

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