North America

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Database

Searchable summaries of Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) decisions, in English. Detailed summaries are available for some cases, covering the facts, procedural history, merits, and state compliance with the judgment; for other cases only a short abstract is provided. The database can be searched by case name, country, topic, treaty article and other criteria. It is an initiative of Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. (For full IACHR judgments, in Spanish, see the Court’s own website.)

Base de Datos en Español

WorldLII (World Legal Information Institute) database of court decisions in the Spanish language, covering the Central American Court of Justice, the Court of Justice of the Andean Community, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, NAFTA and the Mexican and Venezuela domain names tribunals. WorldLII is a legal information portal developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) and a number of partner institutions (BAILII, AustLII, HKLII, CanLII, NZLII). The search interface and contents are all in Spanish.

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