
World Law: Iraq

Links to legal materials for Iraq presented on WorldLII's Countries service. Link collections provide access to materials relating to Iraq's Courts and Case law, Government, Legislation and Parliament. Additional sections focus on subject areas including Human Rights, Criminal Law and Intellectual Property. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Iraq on all of WorldLII. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Iraq : Research Guide to Legal Documents, Legal News and International Law

Collection of links to online news stories, and other material, relating to legal issues in Iraq. Resources have been compiled by Vincent Moyer at the University of California, Hastings Law Library. Links to Iraq news stories come from sources around the world along with selected online articles discussing international legal issues in Iraq. There are links to information on inspections and sanctions, human rights issues, the treatment of prisoners and resources dealing with the law of war. Links to various document collections and related research websites are also provided.

Constitution of Iraq

This site contains the full-text of the Interim Constitution of Iraq (the Transitional Administrative Law) which is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution is in effect until a permanent Constitution is adopted in 2005. The site also provides background and historical notes, access to the 1990 Interim Constitution and the draft Constitution written by opposition groups in 1999.

Iraq Military Law

List of online legal resources covering aspects of Iraq's military law, produced by Worldlii (World Legal Information Institute) a legal information portal. Includes links to all UN Security Council Resolutions, resources dealing with the legal issues surrounding an attack on Iraq, links to information about weapons inspections, Iraq military related websites and to United Nations Special Commissions websites like UNMOVIC and UNSCOM.

Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq

Cambridge Solidarity with Iraq (formerly called CASI) was formed in 1997 by a group of Cambridge students in the UK, concerned about the effects of the UN trade sanctions against Iraq. It was wound up in 2003, but the site is still available as an archive. There are also some interesting links to further information for those wanting to learn more about Iraq, its economy and trade sanctions.

Creation and First Trials of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal

Briefing paper on the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (SICT) produced by the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) in the United States and made freely available on the ICTJ website. The paper was published in October 2005 and provides background information on the establishment of the tribunal and on the crimes of the former Iraqi regime being tried by the court. There are also sections covering the jurisdiction of the tribunal, the procedures governing trials, the composition of the court and its administration.

International Legal Assistance Consortium

Website of the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC), an umbrella organisation of bar associations, law societies, individuals and other associations of legal and human rights experts. ILAC is concerned with the rebuilding of legal systems in post conflict societies and the site has reports of work carried out in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Liberia, East Timor, Haiti and Rwanda. There are also thematic reports and details of projects focusing on gender justice in post conflict societies.

Center on Law and Security

Website of the Center on Law and Security a think tank based at the New York University School of Law which brings together academics, practitioners and policymakers in the fields of law and security. The site has organisational information, profiles of faculty and staff and details of courses and publications of the Center.

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