
Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa

Database of constitutions and constitutional documents of African countries, provided by the University of Konstanz. The contents can be searched or browsed by jurisdiction. The database was been compiled by Katharina Holzinger, Florian Kern and Daniela Kromrey of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. Documents are provided in the original language; some historical versions are available as well as recent texts. Most can be downloaded and/or accessed via links to other websites.

Guinean legal system and research

Article looking at the law and legal system of the Republic of Guinea written by Ibrahima Sidibe who is Professeur de Droit at the Université General Lansana Conte de Sonfonia-Conakry, in Guinea. The guide was published in 2008 (and updated in 2015) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction to the Constitution and the roles of the President and the Prime Minister. There is guidance to the functions and responsibilities of all the government departments.

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