
World Law: Dominica

Links to legal materials for the Commonwealth of Dominica in the West Indies in the Eastern Caribbean Sea presented on WorldLII's World Law Index and Search Service. Link collections provide access to materials relating to Dominica's Courts, Government, Legislation and election procedures. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Dominica on all of World Law supported by a remote site search facility. Site help and on screen translation facilities are also available.

CariLaw- Caribbean Law Project

CariLaw is a subscription database of Commonwealth Caribbean primary legal materials, produced by the Faculty of Law at the University of the West Indies in partnership with legal technology company vLex. The database provides access to legislation, treaties and case law from the Privy Council, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. Judgements on the site include those decided by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the Supreme or High courts of the various Caribbean jurisdictions.

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