Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua & Barbuda Laws

Collection of legislation from Antigua and Barbuda, provided by the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Many of the acts available on the site are reproduced from the Revised Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, the periodic official compilation of acts in force (these acts have chapter numbers); others are acts as passed, from the Antigua and Barbuda Official Gazette. Acts can be browsed by title, or by volume of the Revised Laws; there is also an index by year, but this is much more limited in scope.

Government of Antigua and Barbuda

This is the official website of the government of Antigua and Barbuda. The site contains general information on the structure of different areas of government, as well as the text of the Constitution. Its also makes available also provides a link to PDF files of all the country’s current bills and acts as well as a legislative glossary and statutory instruments. Also available are legal forms for various applications and licenses.

World Law: Antigua and Barbuda

Section of WorldLII's World Law Index and Search service covering Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean. The site offers links and search facilities to trace Internet resources for the islands including a web spider facility providing high focus searches of selected remote sites. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Antigua and Barbuda on all of World Law. World Law was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

CariLaw- Caribbean Law Project

CariLaw is a subscription database of Commonwealth Caribbean primary legal materials, produced by the Faculty of Law at the University of the West Indies in partnership with legal technology company vLex. The database provides access to legislation, treaties and case law from the Privy Council, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. Judgements on the site include those decided by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the Supreme or High courts of the various Caribbean jurisdictions.

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