
Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China [Taiwan]

Database of Taiwanese updated legislation translated into English, provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The legislation consists of acts, regulations and directions and includes early instruments such as the Land Act of 1930 (as amended); to display the full text of an instrument, click on ‘Article Content’. Taiwanese treaties are available on this website too, from about 1950 onwards; a large proportion are in English, but many of the earlier ones (roughly 1950s to 1970s) have not been translated.

Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China: Law and Regulations Retrieving System

This website provides English translations of the rulings (‘Interpretations’) of the constitutional court, the Council of Grand Justices of the Republic of China / Taiwan. Interpretations are available from 1949 onwards; they are provided by the Taiwanese judicial authority, or Judicial Yuan. The website also has a database of translated laws from about 1990 onwards. 

APEC Competition Policy and Law Database

APEC is a forum for the promotion of open trade and economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The APEC Competition Policy and Law Database is a free resource; it includes members' competition policies and laws, competition decision guidelines, administrative and judicial decisions, international agreements, statistics and other information. A collection of links to official trade and competition websites is also provided.

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