
Digital Legislative Library

Online library of current and historic legislation of Trinidad and Tobago, provided by the Law Revision Commission of Trinidad and Tobago. Includes the 2006 edition of the Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago updated to 2015, together with consolidated versions of the Laws as they stood in 1925, 1940, 1950, 1980 and 2004. Both primary and secondary legislation are provided. The collection includes repealed legislation, acts omitted from the Revised Laws (such as private acts) and constitutional instruments. The earliest legislation dates from the 1830s.

Website designed by M. Hamel-Smith and Co., attorneys-at-law in Trinidad and Tobago. The site offers guidance and legal source materials relating to basic facts on doing business in Trinidad and Tobago, company law, intellectual property, tax and e-commerce. Guidance is given in the form of FAQs. Profiles are given of attorneys and there are links to related legal sites in the Caribbean. Copies of the Forum a newsletter giving legal news and updates for Trinidad and Tobago is downloadable in PDF.

Caribbean Court of Justice

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) is a regional judicial tribunal established in 2001. It replaced the Privy Council as the final court of appeal for member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in 2005. The court's website provides its judgments from 2005 onwards, together with legislation, court rules, papers and articles. There is also background information about the CCJ and its jurisdiction and its judges.

Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago

This is the official parliament website of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It provides background information about the House of Representatives and Senate and their committees, together with news and publications. Hansard is available from 1990 onwards and acts from 1999 onwards. The current and previous constitutions of Trinidad and Tobago are also provided, and there is information about the progress of current bills.

Judiciary of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Website of the judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago. This site includes details about the Supreme Court and the Magistracy, including the administration of justice in Trinidad and Tobago, and the appointment of the judiciary. Also available are judgments of the Court of Appeal and the High Court back to 1997. The Law Library section of the site provides a database of case summaries from the 1990s onwards, many of which have links to the full judgment.

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