
Government of Timor-Leste

Website of the East Timor Government, providing official publications, legislation, news and information about the government of East Timor, its history and the political system. The legislation section of the site provides selected recent laws and a few treaties; much of the legislation is available in English, but some of it is only in Portuguese. The legislation is divided into categories: the Constitution; business and investment; taxation; imports and exports; oil and gas; transport and communications and immigration. The site is available in English, Portuguese or Tetum versions.

Court Services of Timor-Leste

Website providing information on the courts of Timor-Leste (East Timor). There is information on the Court of Appeal including the names of the judges, full-text judgments and laws; the laws include the Civil Code, Penal Code, the Constitution, Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure. Contact details of the District Courts are also given. The site is available to view in Portuguese only.

Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance: Legal Framework

This section of the Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance website provides access to the laws outlining the structure and responsibilities of the Ministry. The laws are available to download in full text in English, Portuguese and Tetum. The Ministry also drafts laws dealing with customs, taxation and procurement issues and Timor-Leste laws covering these areas are also provided on the site.

Timor-Leste: Older legislation

This section of the Timor-Leste Courts website provides access to older laws which are no longer in effect in Timor-Leste. The Official Bulletin of Timor (Boletim Oficial de Timor), which publishes legislation and other official documents, is available from 1883 to 1975 (in Portuguese). The Portuguese Civil Code of 1867 is also provided, again in Portuguese, together with the Indonesian Penal Code in English and Indonesian.

Timor-Leste Official Journal

The Timor-Leste Official Journal ((Jornal da Republica) is available on the website of the East Timorese Ministry of Justice from 2002 onwards. The Journal publishes East Timorese legislation and other official material, in Portuguese. The website also has the East Timorese Constitution in Portuguese and Tetum.

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