
Judiciary of Seychelles

Official website of the Judiciary of the Seychelles, covering a range of different courts, including the Supreme Court, the Appeal Court and the Constitutional Court, as well as employment and family law. The site provides information about the structure and organisation of the court system in the Seychelles and about the individual courts.

National Assembly of the Seychelles

Official website of the Seychelles National Assembly- the legislative branch of the Seychelles government. The site provides information on National Assembly members and committees and on the work of the organisation. A full text copy of the Constitution can be downloaded and there are other important documents provided including order papers, standing orders and the official Journal.

Seychelles Government

Portal giving access to basic information about the President, Vice President and government departments. There are also links to the texts of the Budget and State of the Nation addresses of 2011. This is part of larger government portal giving general information on a selection of topics eg. business, culture, education and tourism. The site may still be under construction as the links to government departments are not yet active.

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