
Associação dos Advogados de Macau

Website of the Macau Lawyers Association, a membership organisation for legal practitioners working in the Macau Special Administrative Region. The site includes a directory of members that can be searched by company or individual lawyer. There are also regulatory documents including the statutes and disciplinary code of the Association. The site can be viewed in Portuguese and Chinese only.

Governo da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau (Imprensa Oficial)

Website of the Government Printing Bureau for the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR).  The site has full text legislation and codes along with copies of the official gazette back to 1976.  Information and legislation relating to governmental organisations is also given. There are links to other government websites including the database of Macau legislation - LegisMac. The site can be viewed in Chinese and Portuguese only.

International law

International law section of the website of the Law Reform & International Law Bureau, which is a public sector office under the Macao Special Administrative Region Government (MSAR). The site explains Macao's status with regard to international law under the "one country, two systems" policy. It lists international agreements currently applicable to the MSAR and gives details of MSAR's participation in international organisations.  

Macao Legislation

A selection of Macao legislation provided on the internet by the Government Printing Bureau. Macao is a special administrative region of China and a former Portuguese colony. The laws are provided in full, in Chinese and Portuguese. The Basic Law of Macao, codes, legislation and regulations are included along with treaties and inter regional agreements with China and Hong Kong.

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