
Privacy Affairs

The Privacy Affairs website is produced by cyber-security professionals, technology journalists and privacy advocates; its Chief Editor is Joe Robinson. The site provides information, research and advice about data privacy and online security. It includes a collection of research by Privacy Affairs experts, and also provides a set of guides, including 'A Beginners Guide to VPNs- A Complete VPN Guide' and 'How to Use the Internet Privately – Ultimate Guide'.  Profiles of the editorial staff are available on the site.

Prime Minister’s Office

This English-language version of the website for the Icelandic Prime Minister’s Office includes translations of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, the Administrative Procedures Act (No. 37/1993) and the Information Act (No. 140/2012). It also provides policy summaries, news and basic information about the Prime Minister’s Office.

Ministry of Welfare: Legislation

Collection of Icelandic legislation translated into English, on the website of Iceland’s Ministry of Welfare. About fifty acts and numerous regulations are available, in pdf format, with amendments; topics include employment, equality, health, housing, welfare and social security. A disclaimer warns that the translations are provided for information only.


Althingi is the name of the Icelandic parliament. Basic information is available in English and Danish, covering the nature and operation of the Icelandic parliamentary system. There is also a list of current members of parliament. More detailed information concerning parliamentary business and debates is offered in Icelandic only. The legislation of Iceland is also published here (in Icelandic), in the section entitled "Lagasafn".

Lögmannafélag Íslands

Website of the Icelandic Bar Association, which represents lawyers practising in Iceland. The site has a limited amount of information in English and Danish, but it is mostly in Icelandic. There is a directory of lawyers which can be browsed by region or by practice area.

Constitution of the Republic of Iceland

English version of the Constitution of Iceland provided by the Government Offices of Iceland. The Constitution covers the role and function of the President, the State Council, Althingi (the Icelandic Parliament) and the judiciary. There are also sections dealing with the electoral system, the role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (state church) and the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens. This version contains amendments made up to June 1999.

Hæstiréttur Íslands

Website of the Supreme Court of Iceland, the highest judicial authority in Iceland. To display the English section of the site, select 'English' then click on the black arrows. The website provides limited information about the history and role of the Supreme Court, court procedure and the court building. The last page of the English section summarises what is available in Icelandic on the website; this includes judgments and details of current court business. Contact information can be found under the heading "Um Hæstarétt". The site also has a Danish section.

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