
Supreme Court of Guam compiler of laws

Hosted by the Supreme Court of Guam website, the Compiler of Laws is responsible for officially publishing the Session Laws of the Guam Legislature, the Guam Code Annotated and updates thereto, the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, Supreme Court of Guam Opinions, Executive Orders and Attorney General Opinions. Whilst most documents are only browsable by year, the annotated code is now fully searchable. The site also provides useful links to the official sites of the Guam government and legislature.

Unified Courts of Guam

Official website of the Judiciary of Guam. The site provides organisational information, rules and regulations and annual reports for the Guam courts along with information relating to the Supreme Court and the Superior Court. Access to profiles of the judges and copies of their speeches are also available. There are copies of court rules, promulgation orders and full-text (PDF) opinions from 1996 onwards. A page of links to other Guam legal resources is also given.

Guam Bar Association

Website of the Guam Bar Association- the organisation with responsibility for regulating the practice of law in Guam. The site gives details of officers and committees of the Bar and there is a searchable directory of members and lawyer referral service. Rules and by-laws of the Guam Bar can be viewed in full on the site along with links to other Guam legal websites.

Guam Legislature

Official website of the Guam Legislature. Guam is a Pacific Island which forms an unincorporated territory of the United States. The site provides details of standing committees, a legislative calendar and contact details for members of the Guam Senate. Access is given to Guam public laws which can be viewed in HTML or as zipped Word files. Laws are available from the 24th Guam Legislature (1997) onwards although not all are available in full. Bills are also available on the site along with legislative and executive resolutions.

Office of the Compiler of Laws

Website of the Office of the Compiler of Laws in Guam. Guam is a Pacific Island which forms an unincorporated territory of the United States. The Compiler of Laws is a division of the Attorney General's Office and the site is currently under development. It aims to provide free access to Guam statutes, laws, court decisions, agency rules and regulations, Executive Orders issued by the Governor, and opinions of the Attorney General. Currently available on the site is a full-text copy of the Guam Code Annotated and full-text (PDF) opinions of the Supreme Court from 1996 onwards.

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