
National People's Assembly Republic of Algeria

This is the official website of the parliament of Algeria. It provides information on the structure, function and current activities of the house. There is also historical information and the Deputies can be viewed alphabetically, by constituency, party and committee. The Constitution and other laws relating to the National Assembly can be viewed in full text. Also included are the full results of and information about recent elections. English, French and Arabic versions of the information are available, although at present the Arabic sections are more detailed.

Union Du Maghreb Arabe

This is the official website of the Arab Maghreb Union, the international organisation which seeks closer social, political and economic cooperation between the Maghreb Arab nations. Members include: Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania and Algeria. It provides information on the aims of the organisation, facts about its member nations and details of recent activities, conferences and summits. It also includes access to the full-text of recent economic trade agreements and treaties signed by the group. The site is offered in French or Arabic.

Secrétariat Général du Gouvernement: République Algérienne Démocratique et populaire

Official Algerian website, which aims to publish the Constitution and the Journal Officiel (official journal) of Algeria. The site has a profile of the Secretary General and background on the stucture and functions of the General Secretariat. The Journal Officiel is available in PDF format for recent years, and users can choose the month and date they wish to display. A copy of the Constitution and other legislation are also made available on the site along with a page of links to related Algerian government sites.

Ministère de la Justice, République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Website of the Algerian Ministry of Justice, with information about the Algerian judicial system and the work of the Ministry. There are links to online services for lawyers and the public, together with information about the training of magistrates, advocates, notaries and other officials. Details are given of Algeria's cooperation with the UN, the EU and the Arab League as well as its ratification of human rights instruments. Press releases are also available. The site is available in Arabic or French.

Ministry of Justice: Algerian Law Portal

The Algerian Ministry of Justice law portal provides access to a range of legal materials. Full text legislation including legal codes and laws relating to trade and business are given along with details of international agreements Algeria is party to. Decisions of the Supreme Court, copies of the Official Gazette and the Algerian Constitution can also be viewed online. The site can be viewed in Arabic or French only.

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