
Database of laws and regulations

Collection of Chinese legislation in English translation, made available free of charge by the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China. Provides the Constitution and constitutional amendments, together with a large selection of laws and administrative regulations, mainly from the 1990s onwards. Can be browsed by broad subject area (also has a search facility, but this does not seem to work properly).

Lehman, Lee and Xu

Website of Lehman, Lee and Xu a Chinese law firm established in 1992 with offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. The site has links to Chinese laws and regulations available in English. The laws are arranged by subject and cover areas such as banking, construction, criminal law, finance and trade. The site also has guides to the law in China in the form of FAQ's, a glossary of Chinese legal terms and a page of web links.

China Today: Law and Justice

China Today is an online gateway to sources of information about China maintained by InfoPacific Development Inc. (IPD) Canada who are based in Beijing and Shanghai. The Law and Justice page of China Today provides links to a selection of Chinese laws and regulations translated into English, legal news stories and blogs focusing on Chinese law. There are links to sources of intellectual property information, to law and justice in Hong Kong and to other websites giving access to Chinese law.

China Court

Online newspaper published by the Chinese Supreme People's Court and made freely available in English and Chinese. Articles are categorised by subject including 'judicial news' which covers legal news stories and judicial interpretations, 'laws and regulations' which covers new laws and changes to the law and general news stories. Articles are arranged in date order with the most recent stories listed first.


Chinalawinfo is a subscription database providing Chinese legal information and materials translated into English. The service has been developed by the Legal Information Center at the Peking University Law School. Parts of the website can be accessed freely including Basic Laws which are laws adopted by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee prior to January 1, 2006. An outline of the Chinese legal system, white papers and legal news stories are also made freely available.

China Patent Agent (H.K.)

Website of China Patent Agent (H.K.) a firm of patent and trademark attorneys established in 1984 as a quasi government entity to provide legal services for overseas clients. The site provides information on Chinese patent laws which can be downloaded from the site in English. The laws cover patents, trademarks, copyright, layout design of integrated circuits, new plant varieties and cyber law (domain name disputes). There are also international treaties, case summaries, a selection of FAQs and forms to download. The site can be viewed in English, German, Japanese and Chinese.

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