
Portal da legislaçao

Official Brazilian legislation portal, providing federal legislation and federal bills, together with links to state legislation, federal cases and treaties. The federal legislation section includes the Constitution, codes, laws, decrees and bills; there is a separate section for historical legislation, which goes back to the early nineteenth century.

Concórdia: Acervo de atos internacionais do Brasil

Database of more than 12,000 Brazilian treaties, provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Contains instruments dating from 1822 to the present day, whether in force or not. Basic and advanced search facilities are available. The text of each instrument is available in pdf and/or html format, together with information about the status of each treaty. The interface and treaty documents are in Portuguese.


Banco Central Do Brazil

Site of the National Bank of Brazil, providing resources in Portuguese and English. In addition to background information about the role and work of the Bank, the site provides sections on the economy and finance, inflation targeting, exchange and foreign capital, the national financial system, supervision and the Brazilian payment system. Media formats used include text, video, photos and podcasts. Official publications of the Bank are available in full text.

Fazenda: Ministério da Fazenda

Site of the Brazilian Ministry of Finance. Provides background information about the role and work of the department and a wide selection of relevant documents. These are in PDF format . Links are given to relevant full text legislation on other related sites. The department has a library with an online catalogue. A separate publicity section gives access to printed notices and recorded interviews which can be viewed and downloaded. All interviews , documents and notices are in Portuguese only.

LexML Brasil

LexML Brasil is a Brazilian legal and legislative information portal providing free access to legal materials made available by a number of executive, legislative and judicial bodies including the Office of the Federal Solicitor General (AGU), the Office of the General Prosecutor, the House of Representatives and the National Justice Board among others. Brazilian legislation and case law can be searched and viewed in Portuguese only.

Infolegis: Pesquisa Juridica no Brasil

Website produced by Edilenice Passos, who works with the Federal Senate Consultancy Staff in Brazil. Infolegis is a free website presenting a selection of Brazilian laws translated into English; these are not official translations. A link is given to an English version of the Brazilian Constitution; other translated laws included on the site cover banking, leasing, intellectual property rights and arbitration. There is an alphabetical list of Brazilian law by topics, including guidance to the law and links to relevant agencies.

Brazil Federal Supreme Court

Official website of the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil. The site has a judgments database and provides background and historical information about the Court. It also has a selection of case summaries made in English, Spanish and French. Links are given to Brazilian legislation, including the Constitution. The site is in Portuguese and Spanish; it also has a limited English interface.

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