
Supreme Court of Bolivia

Website of the Supreme Court of Bolivia (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia). The site outlines the role of the court and gives details of the judges. There are links to departmental courts and to court publications including summaries of recent cases. Full text laws relevant to the Supreme Court are also given on the site. The website can be viewed in Spanish only.

Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

Site of the Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, the Bolivian national assembly (‘plurinacional’ in that it represents all the various indigenous and ethnic communities in Bolivia). Full-text access is available to recent Acts and Bills and to the Bolivian Constitution in PDF format. An outline is provided of the aims and objectives of the Assembly. A Press section, arranged by subject area, provides photos and notes concerning recent events. An additional section is concerned with transparency and public access to information and provides relevant legislation in full text.

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