
Central Bank of Bahrain

The website of the Central Bank of Bahrain, which has a section on the relevant laws, under Regulatory Functions. Under Laws and Regulations there is a quick search box and an option to search by rule number. The full texts of various laws are available in html. The general webpage also gives information about the Central Bank, the monetary policy, banking operations, publications and data, consumer information and the financial sector. The Arabic version of the website is currently under construction.

Kingdom of Bahrain

This is the official website of the government of Bahrain. It provides links to all the ministries and government agencies on the web. Also accessible is recent news and basic statistics on health, the economy, budgets, elections and censuses in the region. Other features of the site include the full text of the constitution and information about the monarchy and members of the ruling royal family. The site can be viewed in Arabic and English.

Council of Representatives of Bahrain

Official Website of Bahrain's parliament which consists of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council (consultative council). The site provides background and historical information about the Kingdom of Bahrain and its progress towards democracy. There is information on the members, structure and committees of the House of Representatives along with an outline of the parliamentary process. Annual reports and other official publications are given in English. Legislation, treaties and parliamentary questions are available in Arabic only.


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