
Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for conducting investigations into criminal offences under the jurisdiction of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and for the prosecution of war crimes. Legislation relating to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina is available on the website along with a selection of criminal and civil laws. Profiles of the prosecutors, the Chief Prosecutor and the prosecutor's code of ethics are also given. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

Court Documentation and Education Department

Website of the Court Documentation Centre of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This provides selected decisions from Bosnia and Herzegovina courts and from the European Court of Human Rights for the Western Balkans. Other materials available include full text laws and codes and other legal publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is also a map showing war crimes that have been legally concluded in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was established in 2002 to deal with issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the state – eg. terrorism, war crimes, human trafficking and organised crime. The site has profiles of the judges, laws, cases and other documents relating to the Court. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

Investment related law compendium

Selection of laws of Bosnia Herzegovina made freely available on the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) Website. The FIPA is a government agency providing free information for foreign investors. Legislation on the site relates to foreign investment issues and deals with areas such as competition, business, employment, free zones, the Central Bank, foreign trade policy, customs policy and foreign direct investment in Bosnia Herzegovina. Laws are presented in English as PDF documents.

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The site has background information about the court, its jurisdiction and role under the Constitution along with court rules. The Constitution itself can be viewed on the site in HTML. Decisions of the court are available online back to 1997 in a range of formats. News and press releases are provided along with a selection of FAQs on making an appeal to the court. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Office of the High Representative

The Office of the High Representative 'is an ad hoc international institution responsible for overseeing implementation of civilian aspects of the accord ending the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina'. The High Representative is also the EU Representative. This site also contains the full text of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Word document. by the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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