
Milli M clis

The National Assembly of Azerbaijan’s website, which is entirely in the Azeri language. There is a section on the composition of the Assembly and a breakdown of committees and bodies. The site sets out the rules of procedure of the Assembly and its history. Under 'Qanunlar' (Laws) is found a list of legislation (regularly updated and in html) in date order back to 1999. There is also a search facility. The 'Cari Fealiyy t' section has links to html annual reports and draft laws, with discussion boards.

The constitutional court of Azerbaijan republic

The official website of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan, providing information on the history and up-to-date news surrounding the court. There is a list of the members of the court with profiles on each member. The website publishes decisions of the court (most recent published 2009) in pdf and word formats. Under “Legislation” is found a copy of the Constitution and the Law relating to the Constitution, also in pdf and word. The site is available in Azeri, English and Russian.

President of Azerbaijan

The official website of the President of Azerbaijan, providing information on Presidential duties and schedules and news of the President. It has a history of the country and the text of the constitution, in the section entitled "Azerbaijan". The structure of the administration is also listed. The site has a section headed "Documents", containing letters, decrees, orders, addresses, declarations, statements and laws, which are kept up-to-date. The site is available in Azeri, English and Russian.

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