Women and Politics

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women is a feminist human rights non-governmental organisation that works internationally to oppose all forms of sexual exploitation. Their website contains recent news relating to trafficking in women, a list of international contacts, publications and statements, campaign news, and a factbook on global sexual exploitation. Available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Global Fund for Women

The Global Fund for Women is "a nonprofit grantmaking foundation that advances women's human rights worldwide." It is "a network of women and men who believe that ensuring women's full equality and participation in society is one of the most effective ways to build a just, peaceful and sustainable world." It was established in 1987, and "makes grants to seed, strengthen and link women's rights groups based outside the United States working to address human rights issues".

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organisation which seeks to protect human rights all over the world. Its website provides up to date information on its work as well as access to many of its publications.

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