Virgin Islands of US

District Court of the Virgin Islands

Official website of the US District Court of the Virgin Islands. Provides a schedule of hearings, court rules and court forms, together with information about judges, juries, bankruptcy proceedings and alternative dispute resolution. Also has details of the Virgin Islands Bar and guidance for people representing themselves in court (pro se litigants). There is a link to the court's case management and document filing system, for registered users only.

Virgin Islands Bar Association

Website of the United States Virgin Islands Bar Association, the professional body for lawyers working in this US territory. Includes news, a directory of members and details of events and committees. There is information for the public on choosing a lawyer, legal fees, regulation of attorneys and the judiciary, alternatives to court and careers in the law, together press notices, a virtual legal advice clinic and a glossary of legal terms. The VI Bar Digest is available from 2020 onwards.

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