Trusts and Estates

Trusts Discussion Forum

Website of the Trusts Discussion Forum a moderated mailing list aimed at legal practitioners concerned with the "drafting and administration of trusts, wills and other private client issues including taxation." It is administered by STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) but is open to non-members. The message archive can be browsed by subject or in date order and the site search engine enables messages to be searched by keyword or date. Free registration is required to post messages on the site and to receive postings by email.

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners

Website of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) a professional body for practitioners in the field of in trusts and estates, executorship and related areas. The site has membership information about STEP (including a searchable online directory) and details of conferences, committees and events. There is information on STEP publications including journals, accounts and pamphlets. Articles and guides to trusts and wills can be downloaded from the site. Details are also given on courses offered by STEP for CPD. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Trusts and Trustees

Website of Trusts and Trustees, a monthly journal published by Oxford University Press, providing information and comment for trust and investment advisors. The website has the journal's contents pages back to 2001, brief summaries of articles and selected full-text articles. There is also a selection of summaries of court decisions relating to trusts. Contact details are given for trust advisors in various jurisdictions along with subscription information and details of the journal's editorial advisors.

Solicitors for the Elderly

Solicitors for the Elderly is an association of lawyers who are committed to "providing and promoting robust, comprehensive and independent legal advice for older people, their family and carers". The website provides background information about the association including a copy of their code of practice and a guide to the specialisms held by members. These include areas such as estate planning, probate, tax planning, long-term care insurance policies, home equity release plans, mental health legislation and pensions.

Bona Vacantia

Official website describing the role and work of the Bona Vacantia Division in the UK's Government Legal Department. The term "Bona Vacantia" ("vacant goods") refers to property that passes to the Crown because it has no owner. The site gives information about the Division's Companies Group and Estates Group. The Companies Group handles property relating to dissolved and insolvent businesses. The Estates Group deals with the estates of persons who die intestate or without known kin. A collection of Guideline documents are available.

Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists

The Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) is an organisation for solicitors, barristers and legal executives pecialising in contentious trust and probate work in England and Wales. The site explains the role of the ACTAPS in supporting the work of legal professionals in the field, through education and training, conferences and representation to government and judicial bodies. The site includes the Code of Conduct for ACTAPS members and an ACTAPS Membership list with notes on becoming a member also provided. Parts of the site are available to members only.

Trust Law Committee

The Trust Law Committee is an organisation of academics and practitioners devoted to improving the law of trusts in England and Wales. The organisation was set up in 1994 and its website is hosted at King's College, London. The site gives the names of members of the Committee and outlines the process that has to be undergone to improve the law. Consultation papers and reports published by the Committee can be freely downloaded from the site.

International Academy of Estate and Trust Law

The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law is an organisation for notaries, solicitors, lawyers, judges and academics experienced in probate and trust law. The Academy is concerned with the study of all types of vehicles for the transfer of wealth, such as corporations, partnerships, common law trusts, statutory trusts and foundations. The site has a directory of members which can be browsed by country or alphabetically by name. A database of publications written by members can be searched by author, title, year of publication or country; it contains bibliographic details only.

Trusts, Settlements and Estates Manual

Online version of the Trusts, Settlements and Estates Manual (TSEM1000) published by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on the UK government website. There is an introduction to trusts and sections providing guidance to the legislation and the legal background covering the law in England and Wales and in Scotland. There is a section on the difference types of trusts and on trusts set up for particular purposes such as employment related-trusts or heritage maintenance funds; other sections deal with trust enquires, trust income and trust management expenses.

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