
Bilateral Labor Agreements Dataset

This dataset, created by a team at the University of Chicago, documents bilateral employment treaties signed between 1945 and 2015 (version 1) and 1945 and 2020 (version 2). The website consists of a graphic showing the number of Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs), followed by a short paragraph describing the background of the project, and then information on the dataset, which is freely available to download at the base of the webpage.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia: bilateral relations

This section of the Croatian foreign ministry’s website provides a list of the dates that Croatia established diplomatic relations with each foreign state and the dates of diplomatic recognition, together with details of Croatia’s bilateral treaties. The treaty information includes titles, dates of conclusion and entry into force, Official Gazette references and other details, but the text of the instruments is not available. For Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, Hungary and Slovenia, some multilateral treaties are covered as well as bilaterals.

Hong Kong Treaties

Provided by the Hong Kong Legal Information Institute, this freely available database contains international agreements applicable to Hong Kong, in English and/or Chinese. Entries are grouped into Arrangements with the Macao SAR, Arrangements with the Mainland, Bilateral Agreements with Other Jurisdictions, and Treaties, then listed by year, category, or title. The HKLII Advanced Search facility has a filtering option for the Hong Kong Treaty Series. Pdfs in traditional Chinese are available on the Chinese version of the website, which can be accessed from the home page.

ICSID Databases

This part of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) website provides access to a range of databases maintained by the ICSID. There is a database of member states which gives details of signatories to the ICSID Convention, a searchable database of cases administered by ICSID and a directory of arbitrators and conciliators appointed to the ICSID Panels. There is a database listing bilateral investment treaties searchable by signatory states, treaty and year of signature. The treaty text isn’t given.

Translations of selected Monaco Treaties

Translations of selected Monaco treaties made freely available in the Monaco information section of Berg and Duffy, LLP website - international lawyers with offices in Monaco. The site aims to provide unofficial translations of treaty texts and analysis alongside official translations where they are available. Content includes comment on the treaty on cooperation and relations between Monaco and France signed October 24, 2002, that materially revised their July 17, 1918 treaty. Some described texts on the site are still to be supplied.

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