
Tasmanian Legislation

Website offering free public access to Tasmania's Consolidated Legislation Online. The project is managed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania, and aims to improve the availability of the full-text of the legislation. The site publishes Acts consolidated to 1st February 1997 and new legislation since then, as well as statutory rules from the beginning of 1998. Users are offered plenty of guidance, help and background information to help them to differentiate between the sessional and historical versions of the legislation.

Supreme Court of Tasmania Decisions

Decisions of the Supreme Court of Tasmania made freely available on the AustLII website. This AustLII database contains full-text decisions from 1987 onwards as selected and provided by the Supreme Court of Tasmania. Decisions can be browsed by date or name and searched using the AustLII search engine. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney.

Tasmania Law Reform Institute

The Tasmania Law Reform Institute is based at the University of Tasmania undertaking "law reform work and research on topics proposed by the Government, the community, the University and the Institute itself." The website has information about the establishment of the Law Reform Institute and an overview of the history of law reform in Tasmania. There is also information about work currently in progress at the Institute. Reports of completed projects are made available on the site in PDF format.

Tasmania Department of Justice

Website of the Department of Justice in Tasmania. This department consists of a number of divisions including the Crown Solicitor, Director of Public Prosecutions, Legal Aid Division, Legal Ombudsman, courts and tribunals, the Prison Service and the Parole Board. The site provides background information to the work of these divisions along with full-text copies of their annual reports and other documentation. Publications are presented in either PDF or HTML formats. It is possible to search the entire site by keyword using the site search engine.

Decisions of the Nineteenth Century Tasmanian Superior Courts

Collection of full-text decisions from the Tasmanian Superior Courts handed down between 1824 and 1842 and made freely available by AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) and Macquarie University in Australia. The project was undertaken by Bruce Kercher of Macquarie University, Australia who selected and edited cases from newspaper archives and court records. Cases can be searched and browsed by subject or date.

Law Society of Tasmania

Website of the Law Society of Tasmania, a regulatory and representative body for the legal profession in Tasmania. Details of the Society's history, committees and organisation are available on the website. There is information about becoming a lawyer in Tasmania and a directory of Tasmanian law firms. Press releases and case studies focus on the Society's work reforming the law relating to workers' compensation. Part of the site is restricted to members.

Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania Decisions

An AustLII database containing selected full-text HTML decisions from the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal of Tasmania from 1996 onwards supported by case name search facilities, alphabetical browse index, and list of recent cases. Data is selected and supplied by the Tribunal. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Tasmanian Consolidated Acts

An AustLII database containing full text consolidated copies of all Tasmanian Acts supplied by the Tasmania Office of Parliamentary Counsel. Acts can be searched or browsed by title. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Tasmanian Bar

Website of the Tasmanian Bar a professional association of independent barristers based in Tasmania and a constituent member of the Australian Bar Association. The site provides profiles and contact details for members of the Bar and there are links to Tasmanian legal resources including legislation, courts and tribunals, judgements and court lists for the Supreme Court of Tasmania and the Magistrates Court. A page of related web links is also given.

Supreme Court of Tasmania

Official website of the Supreme Court of Tasmania. The site has details of the judges and a history of the Court. Judgements are linked to on AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute) and sentences of the court, for the last month, are provided on the site. Unreported judgements pre-1985 are in the process of being added to the site in full text. There is guidance for people attending court and details of organisations providing legal advice.

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