Sociology of Law

Baldy Centre for Law and Social Policy

The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy is based at the University of Buffalo Law School in New York State, USA. The Center supports interdisciplinary study of law, and services the research needs of socio-legal scholars. The Center also houses the editorial offices of the interdisciplinary journal, "Law and Policy". The site outlines research activities and programs conducted at the Center, providing information about faculty and staff, student information, notification of forthcoming events and publications.

Centre for Socio-Legal Research

Web pages describing the aims and work of the Centre for Socio-Legal Research based at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Research at the Centre is organised around projects looking at: the operation of the Family Advocate system, the Family Court and welfare system in South Africa. The Centre is also involved in the development of policy initiatives in the areas of family law and welfare. The site provides a staff list with contact information, brief details of activities and publications, and links to other Internet sites relevant to socio-legal studies.

Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica

The IISL was founded in 1988. It is associated with many European and Non-European universities as well as an international network of sociologists of law. The Institute offers courses in the sociology of law and the website gives details of conferences and seminars. There are details of publications and an online library catalogue with details of books, journal articles and unpublished materials. A selection of articles and papers are free to download from the site.

Centre for Law and Society

The Centre for Law and Society is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh. Established in 1983, it researches criminology and legal theory. The website gives details of the Centre's publications, seminars and current areas of research. There is also information about postgraduate courses, conferences and the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime Project.

Law and Contemporary Problems

Law and Contemporary Problems is a scholarly journal which has been published by Duke University School of Law since 1933. Each issue is devoted to a particular topic of contemporary interest, usually with an interdisciplinary perspective. The current issue and past issues from 1996(3) onwards are freely available on the website.

International Journal of the Sociology of Law

A print journal published by Elsevier, but this site gives the titles and some abstracts of articles published since March 1995 (via Science Direct, an online journal delivery service). The title of the journal has been changed to International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice since 2007 December. The International Journal of the Sociology of Law is an interdisciplinary forum for high quality research and debate on social context and social implications of law, law-enforcement, and legal process.

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

The Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen is Denmark's largest law school, and one of the largest in Northern Europe. The library facilities include the Law Research Library, which contains a large collection of international literature on law subjects, and the Library of Criminology and Criminal Law. The holdings of the Library of Criminology and Criminal Law cover the subjects: Criminology, Criminal Law and Sociology of Law.

Research Committee on Sociology of Law

Web pages of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL), a research committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA) concerned with socio-legal research. The site has information on the history of the RCSL, copies of its statutes and details of past presidents. Contact details are given for Board members and there is information on forthcoming conferences and meetings. Copies of the RCSL newsletter can be downloaded from the site in full text (PDF) and there are links to related associations, research bodies and journals.

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