
World Law: Senegal

Country section of WorldLII covering Senegal. Link collections provide access to sites dealing with Senegal's Government, Legislation and Foreign Investment. Stored searches include an option to query all of WorldLII for materials relating to Senegal. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Lois et règlements

The Constitution and selected, codes, laws and treaties of Sénégal, as published on the official Government website. The laws and interface are presented in French, which is the official language of the Republic of Sénégal. There are codes covering a number of areas including telecommunications, environment, investment and forestry. A copy of the Constitution and other laws and regulations are also presented. All the legislation can be downloaded in full. The site can be viewed in French throughout

Visiting the Senegalese legal system and legal research: a human rights perspective

Online article about the legal system and human rights law of Senegal written by Horace Sègnonna Adjolohoun, a lawyer and human rights expert. The article was published in 2009 on New York University's Globalex website. It gives an overview of the Senegalese legal system and guidance on researching the law of Senegal. There is a section on the status of international human rights law, covering the ratification and implementation of international agreements and the interpretation of international human rights law in the Senegalese courts.

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