
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics

Founded in 1968 with the aid of a Ford Foundation Grant, the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (JILP) features articles on international legal topics by leading scholars and practitioners, as well as notes, case comments and book annotations. JILP publishes four issues per year on diverse topics in both public and private international law. From volume 36 (2003/04) onwards each article is available in full, free of charge. For earlier volumes (back to vol. 26), contents lists are provided, with links to abstracts of some articles.


The Institute was founded in 1986 and is engaged in teaching and research. It is private and independent in status. It is situated in Bendern, Liechtenstein. Various social sciences are covered - with research on economics, politics and law. Working papers can be viewed online. NB. All information is in German only.

Internet Library of Early Journals: digital library of 18th and 19th century journals

This site was created by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford. It provides free access to a number of leading 18th and 19th century English journals: Gentleman's Magazine (1731-50); the Annual Register (1758-78); Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-77); Notes and Queries (1849-69); the Builder (1843-52) and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1843-1863). These are of value for social, economic and political historians of the period.


An innovative directory of academics and researchers which is being developed by a team headed by Dr Richard Price of All Souls College, Oxford. It intends to provide free access to a database of information about academic researchers and departments in colleges worldwide. Individual records include research interests and information on projects. It is possible to search by department or research interests. The site was launched in 2008 and relies heavily on self registration, therefore users should be aware that information may not be comprehensive.

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