
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel

The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel was founded in 1990 to oppose the use of torture and ill-treatment by the Israeli interrogation and law enforcement authorities. The website is available in English and Arabic. It includes press releases and reports on the use of torture by Israeli authorities and the flaws in the judicial processes involved in addressing complaints of torture. It also features English translations of petitions presented to the Israeli authorities.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights was founded by Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in 1995. It aims to promote the causes of human rights, the rule of law, democratic institutions and Palestinian independence. The Centre’s website can be read in English or in Arabic and features press releases, reports, position papers, and statistics. This material focuses on human rights violations and the weakening of democratic institutions by Israeli Occupation Forces and also by Hamas and Fatah.

Palestinian Basic Law

This unaffiliated website was created by Norwegian journalists Erik Bolstad and Tonje Merete Viken in February 2008. The site provides English translations of past and present versions of the Basic Law and drafts that were not passed. It also links to English translations of the Elections law and Presidential decrees as well as expert opinions on issues surrounding Palestinian elections.

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