North and Central America

Indigenous Law Portal

Large open-access collection of links to documents and websites concerning indigenous law, provided by LLMC Digital. Originally developed by the Law Library of Congress, the portal has sections covering the United States, Canada, Mexico and the circumpolar Arctic, and there are plans to extend its coverage to South America. Includes general websites, such as the Tribal Court Clearing House in the US and the Assembly of First Nations in Canada, as well as websites of individual tribes and NGOs and sites dealing with particular subjects (land tenure, environmental law and so on).

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Database

Searchable summaries of Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) decisions, in English. Detailed summaries are available for some cases, covering the facts, procedural history, merits, and state compliance with the judgment; for other cases only a short abstract is provided. The database can be searched by case name, country, topic, treaty article and other criteria. It is an initiative of Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. (For full IACHR judgments, in Spanish, see the Court’s own website.)

Juricaf: la jurisprudence francophone des cours suprêmes

Collection of judgments from the highest French-speaking national and regional courts, provided free of charge by AHJUCAF, the Association of Francophone Supreme Courts (L'association des cours judiciaires suprêmes francophones), in partnership with the Université Paris I. As well as individual African, European, South-East Asian and American jurisdictions, Juricaf covers the courts of international organisations such as the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEDAC) and the Council of Europe.

Inter-American Bar Association

Web pages describing the aims and functions of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA). The Association was founded in 1940 by lawyers and jurists representing 17 nations and 44 professional organisations, aiming to "promote the rule of law and protect the democratic institutions in the Americas." The site sets out the IABA's objectives, purposes and organisational structure with notes on membership procedures. Information is provided on events and conferences and a copy of the most recent newsletter can be downloaded in PDF. A set of related law links is also available.

Commercial arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution methods

Collection of national laws and other information relating to commercial arbitration and alternative dispute resolution methods, on the website of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The collection covers countries in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. It includes the texts of national laws and guidelines. For some countries, a document called "Responses to Arbitration Questionnaire" is available, giving an overview of the arbitration law for that country and saying to which relevant conventions it is a party.

World Law: North America

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to online resources relating to North America. Includes links to organisations dealing with the North American region and to inter-American treaties. Separate sections provide links to resources focused on Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, Mexico and the United States. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

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