Native American Law

Native American Rights Fund: National Indian Law Library

Website of the National Indian Law Library established as a department of the Native American Right Fund in Boulder, Colorado, USA to serve the research needs of the Fund and the wider public. The site gives information about library services and unique collections of Native American legal resources with access to the NILL online catalogue. Materials held by the library include Tribal self-governance documents, treaty texts and Federal administrative documents and selected pleadings from important cases, reporters and manuals.

Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project

An online archive providing access to the texts of constitutions, tribal codes and other legal materials relating to Native American Indians. The tribal codes and constitutions form the basis of self-government and sovereignty for native American tribes in the United States. Other documents on the site include Cohen's Handbook (in PDF format), Constitutions and Charters from the Tribes and Nations (HTML format),Treaty texts, Indian Land Titles materials and information on the development of tribal courts in Alaska.

Indigenous Law Centre of Canada

Website of the Indigenous Law Centre of Canada (formerly the Native Law Centre) at the University of Saskatchewanan, which is dedicated to the study and development of indigenous law in Canada. The work of the Centre involves running educational programs, conducting research and developing publications with the aim of assisting in the formulation of policy and justice in the areas of Aboriginal rights in Canada and around the world.

Tribal Law Gateway

The Tribal Law gateway is an online catalogue hosted by the National Indian Law Library which is part of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) an organisation providing legal representation to Indian tribes in the United States. The gateway provides access to codes and constitutions of United States tribes which can be browsed alphabetically online by tribe. Records include a bibliographic reference and, where available, a link to the full-text document and the tribe's Website.

Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties

Online version of a seven volume collection of laws and treaties relating to Native American Indian tribes compiled by Charles J. Kappler and made freely available by the Oklahoma State University Library. The site includes U.S. Government treaties with Native Americans from 1778 to 1883 and U.S. laws and executive orders relating to Native Americans from 1871 to 1970. Each volume can be browsed using the table of contents or index. The full-text can be viewed in HTML and JPEG images are provided of the original pages.

Native American Web

Online resource guide to Native American law compiled by the Washburn University School of Law in the United States. The guide provides links to federal government internet resources and other government related material along with case law, tribal courts and codes and government agencies concerned with issues affecting Native Americans. There are also links to Native American student organisations, Indian tribes, national organisations and institutes and other online research guides.

Indian Law Resource Center

Website of the Indian Law Resource Center a non-profit law and advocacy organisation based in Washington, D.C and Montana. The site gives information about the staff and Board of Directors of the Center along with details of work being undertaken which focuses on indigenous peoples and covers issues such as sovereignty, environment, land rights, human rights and land reform.

Tribal Court Clearinghouse

Website of the Tribal Court Clearinghouse which is produced by the Tribal Law Policy Institute and acts as a resource for "American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, American Indian and Alaska Native people, tribal justice systems, victims services providers, tribal service providers, and others involved in the improvement of justice in Indian country." The site contains links to articles, Tribal Court decisions, Supreme Court Indian Decisions, relevant Federal laws and agencies and pending Federal legislation.

U.S. Department of Justice : Office of Tribal Justice

Official website of the Office of Tribal Justice which was "established to provide a single point of contact within the Justice Department for meeting the broad and complex federal responsibilities owed to Indian tribes." Background information on the role and functions of the OTJ along with a selection of statements from the the Attorney General and the White House on American Indian issues and press releases relating to tribal matters.

Indigenous Bar Association

Website of the Indigenous Bar Association (IBA), an organisation based in Ontario, Canada which represents aboriginal lawyers and provides a forum for discussing developments in indigenous law. Membership is drawn from judges, academics, consultants and students. The website includes organisational information and details of the objectives and by-laws of the IBA. It also makes available the IBA's newsletters and conference reports, together with information about the National Secretariat Against Hate and Racism in Canada.

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