
Moroccan Chamber of Representatives

The official website for the chamber of representatives of Morocco (available in French, Arabic, Spanish and English). Includes draft laws and related documents, together with information about the progress of legislation; the Electoral Code; the Constitution; and royal speeches. Provides details of the composition of the current parliament and lists of previous members. Contains a timeline of the history of the Moroccan parliament.

Morocco - Constitution

1992 consolidated version of the Constitution of Morocco, on the International Constitutional Law (ICL) website (provided by the University of Bern in Switzerland). Some brief contextual information is also give. The text of the Constitution contains keyword links that can be used to find similar sections in other constitutions.

Le Maroc Juridique

Online guide to Moroccan law written by Ahmed Zejjari who has a Ph.D. in Public Law from the University of Social Sciences in Toulouse. The guide was published in 2015 on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction to Morocco and an outline of the country’s political and legal systems. Links are given to government and other official websites, recommended legal resources and to government websites providing access to legislation. The guide is available in French.

World Law: Morocco

Collection of links to Moroccan law sites, provided by the World Legal Information Institute. Covers government sites, legislation sites, Moroccan law research guides and sites dealing with particular areas of law. WorldLII is run by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Constitution of Morocco

This site contains the full-text PDF of the Constitution of Morocco as adopted on 13th September 1996. The information is made freely available on the website of the T.C Williams School of Law at the University of Richmond in the United States and is supplied by the Morocco Ministry of Communication. The document is in English and details the functions and powers of the main branches of government including the executive, legislative, parliament and the judiciary. It also establishes the the human and civil rights of the individual citizens of Morocco.

Kingdom of Morocco - Ministry of Justice

Website of the Moroccan Ministry of Justice. The site publishes information about the Ministry and its work It outlines the administration of justice in Morocco and gives details of the court system, including statistics and a directory of courts and tribunals. The site also makes available the Moroccan Constitution, treaties and key legislation including the Family Code and the Commercial Code, all in French. The site interface is available in French, Arabic and English.

Introduction to the Moroccan legal system

A resource guide explaining the legal system in Morocco, with bibliographic details of sources and links to materials available on the internet. The guide was written in 2006 by Paris based academic Dahmène Touchent and updated in 2018 by Netty Butera a Governance consultant in Rwanda and Kevashinee Pillay a South African based attorney. The authors outline the structures and working of executive, legislative and judicial powers providing information on other authorities including the Constitutional Council and links to government websites.

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