Legal Theory

Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law is part of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and was set up to advance the Rule of Law worldwide. The Bingham Centre’s work covers the following areas: business; citizenship; digital age; justice systems; modern slavery; parliaments and security. The Centre produces reports and discussion papers which are available in full on the site. Details of the Centre’s projects and events are also given along with its work as secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Rule of Law.  

Roberto Unger Websource

This is a site devoted to the work of Roberto Unger who is a law professor at Harvard Law School and a critical legal scholar, philosopher and social theorist. The site provides access to a selection of articles and chapters from books and journals, biographical articles about Roberto Ungera and a bibliography. There is also a page of links to other legal theory and social theory websites.

Baldy Centre for Law and Social Policy

The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy is based at the University of Buffalo Law School in New York State, USA. The Center supports interdisciplinary study of law, and services the research needs of socio-legal scholars. The Center also houses the editorial offices of the interdisciplinary journal, "Law and Policy". The site outlines research activities and programs conducted at the Center, providing information about faculty and staff, student information, notification of forthcoming events and publications.

International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Founded in 1909 and based in Italy, the Association links academics from many countries with an interest in philosophy of law. The site contains background and organisational information about the IVR including full text copies of the IVR's constitution and procedural rules. There is information on IVR conferences and contact details of the national sections. The site hosts archives in English of the twice-yearly IVR Newsletter, including conference reports and announcements.

SSRN Legal Scholarship Network

The Legal Scholarship Network aims to facilitate the distribution of scholarly information related to law, economics and business; it is a division of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). It is free to join the Network, but subscriptions are payable for some of the services offered. Users of the Network can access research papers, conference papers, pre-print journal articles and other scholarly writings, either in the form of abstracts, or as full-text documents. Authors can submit their abstracts and papers online, for possible publication on the LRN website.

Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica

The IISL was founded in 1988. It is associated with many European and Non-European universities as well as an international network of sociologists of law. The Institute offers courses in the sociology of law and the website gives details of conferences and seminars. There are details of publications and an online library catalogue with details of books, journal articles and unpublished materials. A selection of articles and papers are free to download from the site.

Theoretical Inquiries in Law

Theoretical Inquiries in Law is an academic legal journal providing a forum for the analysis of law and law-related subjects. The website is part of the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) service which aims to offer a swift and streamlined publication process for authors, reviewers and readers in the field of legal publishing. The Cegla Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, University Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv publishes the printed journal twice a year in January and July.

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