Law of International Organisations

League of Nations

A collection of official League of Nations publications digitised by the National Library of Scotland. The print collection held at the National Library of Scotland consists of 'The Official Journal' and special supplements, monthly summaries, statistical yearbooks and Treaty Series, as well as publications from the principal organs, committees, commissions and conferences; a selection of these has been digitised.

Bodleian Library League of Nations research guide

A research guide provided by the Bodleian Library in Oxford, covering the League of Nations. The guide contains information on the structure of the League of Nations, links to useful resources such as journals and books and a detailed guide to the League of Nations’ documents and publications, including the complicated numbering system of their documents. There is also a comprehensive list of links to archives, personal papers and guides relating the League of Nations. Some of the links and resources are Oxford-specific, but the majority are available for all to use.



The website of UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) contains information about the organisation and its activities and about the United Nations in general. Focus areas include child survival and development, education, HIV/aids and children, child protection and child health including immunisation. Information can be viewed by country including details of projects and appeals, statistics and news from the region. Publications on the site include annual reports, The State of the World’s Children (published annually) and the full-text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

International organisations and related information

A guide to websites relating to intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), maintained by the University of Michigan Library. The guide provides annotated links to relevant web-based document collections and research tools and to the official websites of IGOs and NGOs. Treaty websites are also covered and an alphabetical list of IGO abbreviations is available.

Chatham House

Chatham House was founded in 1920 (as the Royal Institute of International Affairs) to stimulate debate and research on important developments in the international arena. Its website contains details about the Institute, its members, publications and recent events. Some documents can be viewed online, others are offered to subscribers only. All aspects of British foreign policy and international security are covered, including US foreign policy and the 'war against terrorism' and the Middle-East conflict.

Sussex European Institute

Sussex European Institute (SEI) is a research centre based at the University of Sussex and a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. It specialises in teaching and research in the broad areas European integration, representative politics and the politics of ethnicity, citizenship and migration, taking an interdisciplinary approach. The website provides detailed information on the aims and activities of the Institute. It includes access to SEI working papers (mid-1995 to date), SEI seminar papers (2006 to date) and the in-house newsletter 'Euroscope' (2000 to date).

Implementation of the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision, Experiences, Influences, and Perspectives

Online document prepared by staff at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2002 and made freely available on the IMF website. The document is concerned with the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCP) which were introduced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in 1997. This paper reviews the experience of the IMF and the World Bank who have conducted BCP compliance assessments in 60 countries. The paper looks at developments in the financial markets and in banking supervision. The document is presented in PDF format.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is a committee of the Bank for International Settlements concerned with banking supervision issues. Members include officials from central banks who have responsibility for the supervision of banking business such as the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority. The site provides access to publications of the BCBS including the Compendium of Basel Committee documents, a compilation of guidelines and standards set down by the Committee.

International Trade in Agricultural Products: A Research Guide

Online research guide to international trade in agricultural products written by Lee Peoples who is Head of Reference Services at Oklahoma City University Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in April 2004 and provides an introduction to key sources for researching international agricultural trade law. The guide has background information to international organisations and agreements and to relevant agencies of the United Nations.

World Trade Law is a US-based information service produced by former international trade lawyers Simon Lester and Kara Leitner, providing access to both free and subscription resources. Free aspects of the site include full-text World Trade Organization (WTO) documents along with agreements of the Uruguay Round and Tokyo Round. There are WTO Appellate Body Reports, WTO Panel Reports and GATT Panel Reports, documents concerning WTO negotiating history, a selection of trade articles and links to related sites.

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