Labour and Labour Relations

Conditions of Work and Employment Database

This legal database is a collection of employment and conditions of employment laws made freely available by the Conditions of Work and Employment Programme (TRAVAIL) at the International Labour Organization (ILO). The database is organised into three sections covering maternity protection, minimum wages and working time. Legislation relating to maternity protection covers maternity leave, protection from discrimination and health protection.

Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation

The Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation (IIAM) is a not-for-profit organisation providing alternative dispute resolution services, including negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and settlement conferences. Its website has information on the different services and the way they work in India, with suggested clauses and downloadable forms. Details are given of the Advisory Board and the Governing Body, along with information on IIAM's training courses and events. 

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